About Us

Welcome home!
It's great to have you checking us out! Here at MBC, our church community is made up of a diverse group of people of many backgrounds and contexts. Whatever your own story is, wherever you're at in your faith journey, you are so welcome here. We love to meet new people!
We are a community of people seeking to follow Jesus. We're not perfect (who is!), but we are always open to learning how we can live out our church's vision:
"Growing together by loving God, loving others and serving our community - Church without walls"
Our Sunday mornings are relaxed services, where everyone is welcome to 'come as they are', to experience the presence of God in amongst our busy lives. We sing a variety of songs/hymns, pray, interact (as much or as little as you feel comfortable with), and have engaging talks drawn from the Bible, that seek to have relevance to our everyday lives. We also have a children's group and monthly All-Age services...and most importantly GOOD coffee (and tea!) after every service.
If you're new to the area or want to see what MBC is like for the first time, please do come along at 10.30am on a Sunday. We'd love to say hi and connect!
We are an active bunch who are immersed in our local community. We have various groups during the week - check out the rest of the website for more details.
Please feel able to get in touch with Nick, our minister, who would be very happy to chat with you.
Every blessing to you!