Staff and Leadership

Please find below an introduction to our leadership team and members of staff.
    Tracy Website2
Minister - Vacancy   Tracy Cripps - Administrator
    Tracy decided to try MBC about 17 years ago after attending an Alpha course and has been here ever since! A change from her childhood experiences of Convent schools and Catholic mass! She became the Church administrator about 7 years ago, during a time of interregnum, seeing an opportunity to put her love of admin to good use. Happiest behind the scenes or behind the kitchen counter serving tea but definitely not at the front of Church!
Tracy enjoys (in no particular order) trips on the Markyate & Flamstead Care Bus, spending time with her family & friends, playing netball, eating out and visits to the pub!
Ruth   Heidi website
Ruth Kieran - Leader   Heidi Trew - Treasurer
Ruth has worshipped at MBC since 2005 and is fully involved in the local community in Markyate including teaching at the village school and occasional amateur dramatics (backstage!).   She coordinates the MBC children's work and has a heart for sharing God's love and hearing God's voice in the everyday contexts of life.  Ruth loves getting out and about in the countryside with family and friends, as well as reading, going to the theatre and enjoying good food.    
Jez for website   Chris website
Jeremy Bottrill - Leader   Chris Trew - Leader
Otherwise known as Jez, grew up in Markyate and joined the church as a young adult (I wish I could say that still applies). He enjoys outdoor pursuits like mountain hikes and camping as well as electronics and nature. He is keen to find ways to make the Christian message relatable to young people so they can have the opportunity to know Jesus, he works in several of the local secondary schools with the organisation STEP    
Rob website   Mark Buckley
Rob Wills - Leader   Mark Buckley - Leader
Rob has been at MBC for 6 years and likes the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of our church. He's recently dipped his toe in the water with leading services and likes the new perspective that preparing a sermon can bring to a bible passage. In his spare time he loves playing his clarinet, tinkering with electronics, and has a keen passion for aeroplanes!
  Mark started coming to MBC in 2005 after moving into the village. He has been a secondary school teacher for over 20 years, specialising in religious studies and politics. In his spare time he enjoys reading, walking, watching a wide variety of sports and eating good food.  In church, Mark enjoys preaching and reading the Bible, he is passionate about thinking through his faith and seeking to understand more about how Jesus transforms every aspect of human experience.

If you need to contact the Church then please visit the Contact Us page.

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.

Where and When

We meet at the Church Building (details here) for our Sunday Service starting at 10:30am. For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to ensure you get a parking space and find somewhere to sit before the service begins. We have a small parking lot to the right of the church beyond the terrace houses, otherwise, there is adequate street parking. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team at the entrance.

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access, with a new stair lift at the entrance of the church. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival if you would appreciate any support. There is also an accessible disabled toilet.

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Our Service

Our services are an informal and welcoming environment - please don't feel the need to dress smart at all (unless it's important to you!). The main service begins at 10.30am with a warm welcome and news about the life of the church from one of our team members. Then follows a time of worship, with songs, prayer and an engaging all age slot, before the children head out to their activities. Someone will bring prayer for the world and our church community, and a Bible reading will be shared from the front. One of our leaders will then give a sermon drawn from the Bible passage that was read, considering how we can apply it to our everyday life. We then finish with a final worship song, after which we encourage you to stay for tea & coffee as we share in fellowship together. We normally have communion on the first Sunday of each month. Once a month we have an interactive and engaging all-age service, where all are welcome!

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What about my kids?

We have a great kids programme called JAM (Jesus and Me), available every Sunday. We also provide a small group for teenagers.

Children stay with their parent or grown-up at the start of the service as we worship (sing songs), together for the first part of the morning. At some point (around 11am) the service leader will announce that it’s time for the younger members to go to their groups. If you are visiting with your children for the first time you will need to take your children through to meet the JAM leader together.


Getting Connected


Life Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our Life Groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some afternoons and some evenings. Check out Life Groups and see if there’s one that you could join, or we can put you in touch with a Life Group coordinator who will be more than happy to chat with you about coming along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 

Other Ministries

We also run the following ministries:

  • MBC Café
  • Jack & Jill's
  • Asylum Seekers Café
  • Saturday Zoom Prayer meeting
Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.


Vacancy - Minister   Tracy Cripps - Administrator
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes